Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Whole Biographies are Simply Impossible to Write, So the Focus Here Will be on My Mom's Artwork

The true biography of a person is simply impossible for any human to write for another. The total experience of a life just can't be contained in a book or blog. Thankfully though, we have a Maker that loves us so much, that He has observed us, from the time we were embryos, throughout our whole lives. All along, He can see and hear all we do, and even read our minds and hearts. With that unique insight into each individual, Jah is the only one that can really create a TRUE, full biography for any of His human children. 

A good thing to know, is that the Creator RETAINS His knowledge of each unique, individual human being. That is ultra-important. Why?

Because He will be using His own-saved full and total "biographies" of people, His own PERFECTLY-KEPT MEMORIES of them - their very make-up, memories (except for pain-causing ones), skills, talents, personalities, quirks, etc. - everything that has made each individual who they, uniquely, ARE - to RE-CREATE them, should they die - to RESURRECT them, the whole, total-package person of they ARE/were.

That is my total, scriptural hope and CONFIDENCE for my intensely beloved Mom, Trudy DuBois - I know that right now, she is perfectly SAFE, in Jehovah the Creator God's loving, PERFECT MEMORY - and that the time will not be long now, until His promise Kingdom is extended down to this earth, and his promised resurrection of dead loved ones begins.

This was a Scripture was shared for my Mom's funeral ~

If an able-bodied man dies can he live again?
All the days of my compulsory service I shall wait,
Until my relief comes.

You will call, and I myself shall answer you.
For the work of your hands you will have a yearning.

                                          (Job 14:14,15) 

"The work of your hands"......How more-than-keenly can an artist, such as the Creator God (more than any other being) IS; and such as my Mom was; understand the depth-of-meaning, intent purpose, - and the hope, joy and pride that goes into a creation, the work of one's own hands!!!

Years before my Mom, died, I sent her a card with Scriptures on it, relating that humans are the handiwork of the Creator. We are like clay, that He has formed, into the "wonderfully made" beings that we are. (Psalm 139:14) Because she loved working with clay, and made beautiful objects of art out of it, as one of her various mediums; I figured reading this would be heartwarming to her, like it was to me.

"And now, O Jehovah, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; and all of us are the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8)

(Further, though, as the Scriptures remind us, why wouldn't we then want to gratefully keep our Maker in mind - be thankful to Him, love Him, and do what He asks of us, His created children - listen to and obey His own scripturally-given instructions? He is the potter, we are the works of His hands. So it is naturally right for Him to tell us what to do - NOT the other way around! Then too, we can also actually continue to be like mold-able clay in the hands of our Maker - letting Him continue to form us into something wonderful, to our joy, and to His glory.) 

"For the work of your hands you will have a yearning" - God will have a yearning for the works of His hands - the precious human beings He has made. He will resurrect loved ones back to life, as their own unique, loveable selves, from His perfect memory, starting soon.

"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning, nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." (Revelation 21:4)

I already have a list of some joyful things that I want to do with my Mom, once Jah resurrects her back to life here! For one thing, of course I want to give her a giant hug......But then, I really hope to go run and get a nice big cup of fresh coffee with her!

I also want to tell her what I did about her artwork. SHE SO WANTED TO SHARE GOOD WITH THE WORLD THROUGH HER ARTWORK!!!! God willing, I truly hope to carry through her hope to do that!!!

Again, there's no way I can even come close to adequately describing, in mere words, what a phenomenal (and precious, and LOVED) being my Mom was!!! Her "story", her essence, her spirit, her being, etc., truly can't be contained in a blog! 

Jah Almighty knew her through and through though; and He Himself will be resurrecting her back to life, from His perfect memory, sometime soon - in a new world paradise earth here. Then, anybody here will have forever to get to know my Mom; and share who they are - their own stories - too!! I hope that wonderful time - of life the way it was meant to be (trouble-free) - begins starting SOON!

Until then, please permit me to share with you some of my amazing Mom's beautiful, heart-and-soul-made artwork; along with some bits of her story.

Maybe someday then, you can shake her hand and say, "Hey! That was pretty cool!"

Thank You,

Theresa Kopecky,
Surviving Daughter

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