Thursday, August 17, 2017

Double Watercolor and Poem of Life-Vital Advice from My Mom: Calm is Good, etc!

I found this precious poem-in-the works/ poem note-to-self in my Mom's kitchen, in the phone area, I believe! (In those days, it was all about "land lines"!) Maybe it was one of her phone doodles - and/or a reminder to stay calm, while dealing with things over the phone (and in life in general)?

I attached it to a background of a watercolor painting, that seemed to be a peach-pink and yellow sky, reminding me of the beautiful and inspiring, pink morning sky that would sometimes pour through the kitchen window of my home growing up.

I clipped - and also glued, to the above morning (?) sky - a little watercolor of a small, 5-petalled flower; whose petals housed a sea of various shades of purple, violet, light-purple, with a most gentle touch of peach (and which had a delicate yellow center). This was especially fitting, because the watercolor shadows of this flower make it seem as though it is sweeping, wisping through the air, through the sky - to gently and lovingly herald a message of importance; in this found art, this poem.

These are the words I can make out - with guesses included! - 

"Every yesterday hated and gone
Gone splat, like
Fallen rotten grapes
They stink

Today is fresh and sweet
Enjoy the perfect wine [view?] 
You'll save the ______for tomorrow at best [?]
Tomorrow we will sow like
The harvest we reap from yesterday
Today - what will it be?
Hate - love?
Misery - peace
Anger - calm"

                                 - Trudy DuBois

Beautiful, Curved Stoneware Vase, with SQUARED Sides, Base, and Top Opening; Fine Blue and Tan Diamond Pattern; and a Great Example of My Mom's Tulip Insignia Carved in the Bottom

My brother has this beauty now - it was one of her more masculine designs. So beautiful and intriguing though - I loved it!!!

Couple and Grapes Lamp (Title, Mine) Large Ceramic, Sculpted Lamp

From my Mom's upper room - kind of a storage room. My brother wanted to keep this one. It is big!! Looking at these pictures now though, I can really notice the nuances of this couple more now. The expressions on their faces are intriguing to me - but yet, I can relate! I'm loving the grape leaves, and the lady's head scarf.

Trudy (Mom) at Her Graduation Display, with a few Paintings, and the Precious Little Subjects of them Standing Under Each of Them!

She painted what she loved! My Mom sketched and/or painted each of her kids and grandchildren (except for [so far as I know] the baby, Mary Jo, whom she lost, after only one day - sigh...). Anyways, here she is, looking quite happy!!!!! What a joyful time!! (The little girl on the right was a neighbor girl/friend of my niece and nephew, on the left.)

I was so proud of her, for having worked so hard, and graduating in the top of her class, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, in Studio Arts, at the University of Minnesota, at AGE 68 ! - after having endured such an extremely difficult and heartbreaking life as she had, that afterwards, I went out into my car, and absolutely bawled my eyes out crying. I am crying now. What what she managed to endure, but yet accomplish, was phenomenal. At yet, do you see this smile? That's how she was - she exuded deep down inner joy and positivity (with hope for the future) despite everything; and she was crack-up funny, right down to "the end." She'll be back - smiling and making jokes - and then I'll be happier again, too.